Christopher Williams. Stage Play. Supplements, Models, Prototype
Monday, 22 May 2017 to Wednesday, 24 May 2017 8 pm
Location: Miller's, Seefeldstrasse 225, CH-8008 Zürich
Premiere: 22 May 2017, 8pm
23 May 2017, 8pm
24 May 2017, 8pm
Buy Ticket - 25 CHF
For free student admission please email: ronja.oki@gta.arch.ethz.ch
Seefeldstrasse 225
CH-8008 Zürich
The shop window occupies its own genre in photography, from Eugène Atget to Zoe Leonard. In Williams's new theater production Stage Play the shop window and the storefront are the primary characters. Set in the streets of postwar Düsseldorf, this tense drama deals with the accumulation of contingent material suggestive of the quiet persistence of war.
Stage Play, Williams's first theater production, is created in dialogue with the artist's concurrent exhibition at gta exhibitions, ETH Zurich (on view through June 12, 2017).
The Visiting Artist Program is supported by Swiss Re