Built from Dust

Built from Dust

Look at a Leopard Through a Pipe

Look at a Leopard Through a Pipe

Loutropolis <br>Healing Springs and Baths in Greece

Healing Springs and Baths in Greece

The Museum Between the<br>Palace and the Square

The Museum Between the
Palace and the Square


OMARA Mara Oláh

Der Elefant ist der Raum<br>The Elephant is the Room<br>L’elefante è la stanza

Der Elefant ist der Raum
The Elephant is the Room
L’elefante è la stanza

Heinz Isler Models

Heinz Isler Models

Beverly Buchanan – I Broke the House

Beverly Buchanan – I Broke the House

(No) Return<br>Survived Buildings and Lost Lives

(No) Return
Survived Buildings and Lost Lives

Performing Colonial Toxicity: An Exhibition by Samia Henni

Performing Colonial Toxicity: An Exhibition by Samia Henni

Sidsel Meineche Hansen: HOOK NO 10.

Sidsel Meineche Hansen: HOOK NO 10.

Christelle Oyiri: VENOM VOYAGE

Christelle Oyiri: VENOM VOYAGE



Doors to Ukraine

Doors to Ukraine

Constructive Abundance: Theo Hotz Partner Architects

Constructive Abundance: Theo Hotz Partner Architects

Silvia Federici

Silvia Federici

OKOMdsu: Teaser - Guerra Olimpica

OKOMdsu: Teaser - Guerra Olimpica

Lessons from the Social Condensers

Lessons from the Social Condensers

Unschöne Museen

Unschöne Museen

Feminist Lessons from a Feminist Uprising in Iran

Feminist Lessons from a Feminist Uprising in Iran

Kino Roland

Kino Roland



Cabin Crew

Cabin Crew

A Pluriversity in the Colombian Rainforest

A Pluriversity in the Colombian Rainforest

Life, Without Buildings

Life, Without Buildings

The Feast

The Feast

Radio Activities

Radio Activities

Close Encounters

Close Encounters

Hannah Black: Wheel of Fortune

Hannah Black: Wheel of Fortune

The View from the Car

The View from the Car



The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Power of Mushrooms

The Power of Mushrooms



Retail Apocalypse

Retail Apocalypse

Louis Kahn. Silence and Light. 1969/2019

Louis Kahn. Silence and Light. 1969/2019

Gili Tal. Mastering the Nikon D750

Gili Tal. Mastering the Nikon D750

Andrea Fraser

Andrea Fraser

PLANETARIUM. Oleg Kudryashov, Peter Märkli.

PLANETARIUM. Oleg Kudryashov, Peter Märkli.

Jack Self: «The Home Body»

Jack Self: «The Home Body»

Kiosk K67. Metamorphoses of a System

Kiosk K67. Metamorphoses of a System

Home. A User's Manual

Home. A User's Manual

12 Views of Venice. 2018

12 Views of Venice. 2018

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule

Alberto Ponis. Drawing Landscape

Alberto Ponis. Drawing Landscape

Inside Outside / Petra Blaisse: A Retrospective

Inside Outside / Petra Blaisse: A Retrospective

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule



Smiljan Radić. Drawings

Smiljan Radić. Drawings



Stalker. Naked Archive Lottery

Stalker. Naked Archive Lottery

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule

Trix & Robert Haussmann. The Log-O-Rithmic Slide Rule

Theft is Vision

Theft is Vision

Phantom Theorie

Phantom Theorie

Reaper. Richard Hamilton and Sigfried Giedion

Reaper. Richard Hamilton and Sigfried Giedion

Discreet Violence

Discreet Violence

Christopher Williams. Stage Play

Christopher Williams. Stage Play

Christopher Williams

Christopher Williams

MAN transFORMS: Die Dokumente

MAN transFORMS: Die Dokumente

Incidental Space

Incidental Space

On the Thresholds of Space-Making: Kazuo Shinohara

On the Thresholds of Space-Making: Kazuo Shinohara





17 Volcanoes

17 Volcanoes

Drawings by OFFICE

Drawings by OFFICE

John Hejduk

John Hejduk

Arno Brandlhuber & Christopher Roth Legislating Architecture Schweiz

Arno Brandlhuber & Christopher Roth Legislating Architecture Schweiz

Märkli. Professur für Architektur an der ETH Zürich 2002–2015

Märkli. Professur für Architektur an der ETH Zürich 2002–2015

Books for Architects

Books for Architects

Nautilus Konstrukt

Nautilus Konstrukt

Dan Graham

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architecten de vylder vinck taillieu

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Aaron Flint Jamison

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Theater Objects. A Stage for Architecture and Art

Theater Objects. A Stage for Architecture and Art

Architektur für Kinder: Zürichs Spielplätze

Architektur für Kinder: Zürichs Spielplätze

Atlas. Studio Tom Emerson

Atlas. Studio Tom Emerson



Performative Archive: Skopje

Performative Archive: Skopje

Lucius Burckhardt

Lucius Burckhardt

William Leavitt. Sidereal Time

William Leavitt. Sidereal Time

The Walk. Naples – Karlsruhe – Zurich

The Walk. Naples – Karlsruhe – Zurich

Look at a Leopard Through a Pipe

Look at a Leopard Through a Pipe

Visualizing Sigfried Giedion's Modernism in Chinese Book Culture 1952–1982

26 February – 04 April 2025
gta exhibitions, ETH Zurich, Foyer

Opening: 25 February 2025, 5 – 8 pm

With contributions by _ao_ao_ing ensemble, Chickentown, WANG Jie, WANG Yulin, ZHANG Yuanyuan and Urban Zellweger

Curated by WANG Yulin with LU Di, YANG Jun, ZHANG Tian and gta exhibtions; Academic advise by Laurent Stalder, LU Yongyi and QIAN Feng

Special Event
Talk and apéro: 27 February 2025, 5.30 pm
With Matthew Critchley, Almut Grunewald, Andreas Kalpakci, LU Di, LU Yongyi and Laurent Stalder

“Modern” architecture, introduced in China at the end of the 19th century, gradually replaced traditional construction methods. With the return of Chinese architects educated in Japan, Europe, and the United States from the 1920s onward, architecture and civil engineering became independent disciplines, as a result of which various institutions began offering courses in both Chinese and western architectural history. In 1952, the new China reorganized Tongji University into an institute devoted to the study of engineering disciplines and established a Department of Architecture with a specialized Teaching and Research Section of Architectural (Theory and) History, which included preliminary courses.

Within this Section, a small team, under the leadership of LUO Xiaowei, was set up to focus on “Occidental” and foreign countries. The team produced a series of textbooks and in-house reference materials, aimed at reconstructing narratives within a Marxist and Maoist framework. The material introduced and criticized not only ancient and classical architectural history, but also modern architecture. From the 1950s to the 1970s, in a political climate shaped by the “Three Revolutions” and even for a period of time in the radical organizational form of the “May 7th” Commune at Tongji, this group concentrated on applying radical pedagogy to architectural history and theory. Among other things, their work culminated in the national textbook Modern History of Architecture in Foreign Countries (1982), co-produced by Tongji and three other universities, which had long dominated the teaching of modern architectural history in China.

Chinese teachers had to rely on works published in the West in doing research for their textbooks on the history of foreign architecture. Sigfried Giedion's Space, Time and Architecture became a key source for analyzing the modern architectural movement, particularly in capitalist countries, in response to the enthusiasm for modernized architecture in China. Many of Giedion's illustrations were selected for different textbooks at Tongji. They varied according to the conditions of publishing in different periods and were incorporated into an idealistic pedagogical model that emphasized a "pictorial" history of architecture.

There is a Chinese proverb that says, “LOOK AT A LEOPARD THROUGH A PIPE – YOU CAN SEE ONE SPOT.” The discussion of Giedion’s writings on modern architectural history is like peeping through his “pipe” at Western arts. The Tongji University textbooks collected, synthesized, and restructured the spots he observed along with other spots. This process not only adhered to the long-standing tradition of collecting and shifting knowledge across cultures; it also served a newly established discipline in China.

The reassembled spots shimmer through the Section’s “pipes,” pragmatically absorbing ancient knowledge, taking a twofold attitude toward modernism, and aspiring to provide a panoramic view of world architecture. The exhibition itself also acts as a “pipe,” offering a glimpse into the process of knowledge traveling and shifting between the East and the West.

Those textbooks from Tongji in the early second half of the 20th century were like small stones cast into a pool of thinking, as demonstrated by the direct relationship between historical/theoretical studies and practical production. They addressed organizational structures, (re)production of historical materials, radical pedagogy, awareness of visual media, industrial and architectural output, labor, colonialism, environmental concerns, and resources. Although Swiss-Sino knowledge transfer and cultural influences faced significant political obstacles at that time, they were not entirely undermined by those tensions. Today, as we confront new crises in the environment, in energy, economics, politics, and architecture itself, we hope these stones from decades past might still create some ripples.

Illustration by WANG Yulin and ZHANG Yuanyuan, 2024
Graphic design by Vivien Pöhls, Teo Schifferli

Proofreading: Catherine Schelbert

Exhibits provided by WANG Yulin, ZHANG Tian, gta exhibitions, gta Archive, Jakob Moritz Becker