Märkli. Chair of Architecture at the ETH Zurich 2002–2015
gta Exhibitions
Wednesday, 24 February 2016 to Sunday, 3 April 2016
Location: Main Hall, Zentrum, ETH Zürich
Tuesday, 23 February 2016, 6 pm
ETH Zurich, Main Hall, Rämistrasse 101
Introduction by Prof. Dr. Laurent Stalder and Prof. Peter Märkli
The ensemble für neue musik zürich plays:
Jump in & Bag II by Hans-Peter Frehner
Mandelbaum by Anna Trauffer
With Hans-Peter Frehner, Manfred Spitaler, Philipp Schaufelberger, Viktor Müller, Lorenz Haas,
Urs Bumbacher, Nicola Romanò and Catriona Bühler
The void and limits have always been central themes in Peter Märkli's teaching as professor for architecture and construction at ETH Zurich. The design tasks he has developed encourage students to formulate a notion of life depicted in architectural structures. The articulation of the void, the external space, plays a role that is as essential as the expression of the façade, the design of the limit separating outside and inside. With this exhibition and publication, the architecture department honors Peter Märkli, who has ended his teaching at ETH in 2015. A selection of around 110 student projects, created during his professorship, illustrate Märkli's interests and views. The exhibition will be presented in the main hall of ETH Zurich, with a site specific exhibition architecture, designed by Peter Märkli and Chantal Imoberdorf.
On occasion of the exhibition a new book is published by gta Verlag: Märkli.
Chair of Architecture at the ETH Zurich 2002–2015
Main sponsor of the exhibition:
Forbo Flooring Systems
Photos: Martin Stollenwerk